Global VPL prize – deadline approaching!
The VPL Biennale is calling for examples of best practice in three categories: products, procedures, policies. All shortlisted candidates will receive a free conference pass and display space in the main hall at the Biennale. The winners will also have their travel and accommodation reimbursed.
The award ceremony will take place at Unter den Linden, Berlin on the evening of 7 May.
Spotlight on Track 3 – Procedures and Instruments
Procedures include structured pathways for validation of learning outcomes, training for assessors and guides, as well as mechanisms for quality assurance of validation processes. Instruments are tools that make learning outcomes visible or help to assess them. A snapshot is given below of two of the case studies which will feature at the Biennale.
Using neural networks and other statistical methods, Skilllab turned the European framework for Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) into a map on which individuals can express their past in rich detail. With the goal of accounting for all skills an individual has acquired through jobs, informal activities and education, Skilllab introduces an innovative and scalable approach to connecting individuals to labor markets, education and validation mechanisms. During his presentation, Ulrich Scharf, co-founder of Skillab, will describe the principles behind the skills mapping, as well as the challenges/barriers to overcome.
Per Andersson, Professor of Education, Linköping University, Sweden and Pär Sellberg, Senior Adviser at the Swdish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education, will give their view on how quality indicators can support the development of VPL arrangements. The Nordic quality model, a monitoring tool with a set of indicators, provides a structured way to assess the current situation in validation at an institutional level and a means of identifying areas of development.
Antra Carlsen from the Nordic Network of Adult Learning gives an overview of her track ‘Procedures and Instruments’.
Please be aware that some of our hotel room allocation will expire on 23rd February. Please be sure to make your reservation before that date to ensure the best price.