Financing of Validation
Yolande Fermon
The VAE procedure
Giving to the French citizens the right to have their skills and competences evaluated and validated is of great importance. This is what the VAE procedure has enabled since 2002 thanks to the so called law of social modernization. But a validation procedure has a cost and the right to validation could have remained unimplemented if the financing had not been foreseen and precisely organized. Deeply embedded in the policy for adults further learning, the VAE follows for its financing the same guidelines as any other training activity, which means a sharing of responsibilities and costs between different stakeholders belonging to the public sector such as the state (at national level or through its decentralized services), the regional councils or to the private sector, which means the social partners. Thus, according to the target group or the phase of the validation process, different actors are in charge of the funding of the validation process in order not to let anybody on the side of the road. Over the years, the funding by the public authorities and the social partners may fluctuate. Studying this evolution allows to catch the more or less important place given to the procedure within the policies for training and employment.
About Yolande Fermon
French ministry of higher education, research and innovation
Yolande Fermon works at the Directorate general for higher education and employability (French ministry of higher education, research and innovation). In the lifelong learning unit, for the ten past years, she has been responsible for several research and development projects and activities related to validation of prior learning. She is today involved in the development of the LLL dimension in the HE institutions, which means monitoring projects concerning continuing training of the adults as well as employability of the students.
She has been the representative of her country in several European committees and working groups among which the Socrates Committee (ex EU LLL programme), the network on teacher training and the working group on recognition of learning outcomes. Yolande is today the representative of validation of non- formal and informal learning at the EQF advisory group. She is also the national correspondent in the European network for the development of qualification framework in higher education (Bologna Process).