Track | Speaker | Title | Description | Download |
1. Organisational arrangements | Deirdre Goggin | Building sustainability through organisational arrangements | How can bridges be built between stakeholders from the worlds of business, volunteering and education in order for VPL results to have value? | |
1. Organisational arrangements | Erik Kaemingk | The benefits of Peer Review for quality development in validation | A plea for a transnational network of providers | |
1. Organisational arrangements | Lotta Pakanen | Filled with skills | Enhancing the validation of prior learning by NGOs | |
1. Organisational arrangements | Tormod Skjerve | A Balancing Act | Skills development in the working life | |
1. Organisational arrangements | Christine Wihak | Implementing across Jurisdictions: The case of Internationally Educated Nurses in Canada | This presentation will examine how consistency in Validation across jurisdictions can be achieved through non-legislated means. | |
2. Financing | Sveinn Adalsteinsson | Financing VPL in Iceland | The Education and training Service center (ETSC) | |
2. Financing | An De Coen | How to calculate the costs of VPL? | Case study by the Flemish government | |
2. Financing | Yolande Fermon | Financing of Validation | The VAE procedure | |
2. Financing | Sunok Jo | Financing VPL in Republic of Korea | VPL has helped increase of learning opportunities for adult learners - in particular the disadvantaged - and produced social benefits | n/a |
2. Financing | Patrick Leushuis | Effects of validation for individuals and organizations | In this presentation the research and its results will be discusses, in the context of the Dutch system for validation | |
3. Procedures and instruments | Pär Sellberg | Quality is an issue in arranging and performing VPL | Can a quality model enhance performance of VPL and is benchmark of national VPL arrangements possible? | |
3. Procedures and instruments | Michael Van der Cammen | Competency testing through MYSKILLS | Identify informally or non-formally acquired competencies through technology-based testing | |
3. Procedures and instruments | Ulrich Scharf | Mapping Pathways to Employment | Introduction of Skilllab | |
3. Procedures and instruments | Ramona Lopez | Labour market integration of migrants | Tools to help refugees and other migrants with their occupational integration | |
3. Procedures and instruments | Per Andersson | Quality is an issue in arranging and performing VPL | Can a quality model enhance performance of VPL and is benchmark of national VPL arrangements possible? | |
3. Procedures and instruments | Göran Hellmalm | Validation concept for the Swedish Adult Education Association | Introduction of the Validation Concept | |
3. Procedures and instruments | Helge Wilters | Labour market integration of migrants | Tools to help refugees and other migrants with their occupational integration | |
3. Procedures and instruments | Mona Pielorz | Comparing the French and German Validation systems | Comparing the French and German Validation systems | |
3. Procedures and instruments | Patrick Werquin | Comparing the French and German Validation systems | Comparing the French and German Validation systems | |
4. Support structures | Mariya Dzhengozova | Coordination of validation and guidance. | In this session participants will hear of preliminary results of a Cedefop study. | |
4. Support structures | Deli Salini | An integrated approach to VPL advice | Support and advice for applicants for validation of prior learning (VPL) procedures in Switzerland | |
4. Support structures | Ludovic Collin | Holistic approach to career counselling | Presenting the concept “Cité des métiers” and explaining how it remains an innovative tool 25 years after its creation | |
4. Support structures | Sonia Khoury | Reaching All Children with Education (RACE) | Sonia El Khoury is at present the Manager of the Program Management Unit (PMU) for the R.A.C.E program (Reaching all children with Education). | |
5. Post-validation pathways | Karen Deller | Putting the candidate at the centre with an online RPL portal | Objective: to present the benefits of an online portal and its role in enabling both RPL itself as well as progression post-RPL. | |
5. Post-validation pathways | Marloes Smit | An E-portfolio for Life Long Learning | During the VPL Biennale we want to share our experiences with our self-developed e-portfolio system, DITKANIK.NU (Lit.: I Can Do This . Now). | |
5. Post-validation pathways | James Rickabaugh | The future demands lifelong learning | Developing capable, independent adult learners for success in work and life | |
5. Post-validation pathways | Klaas Doorlag | Dialogical Validation in teacher training | A step forward from analytical assessment towards a holistic approach | |
6. Legal foundations | John Dalsgard | The VPL legal foundation in the Faroe Islands – how to establish a national VPL system | Preparation and implementation of a legal system for Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) in the Faroe Islands | |
6. Legal foundations | Joe Samuels | Legal foundations to provide for the national RPL system in South Africa | Objective: to consider briefly, the legal foundations that provide for the national Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) system in South Africa | |
6. Legal foundations | Eduardo R. Ali | Validation of Prior Learning in Trinidad and Tobago | Regional and National Legislative and Policy Considerations | |
6. Legal foundations | Silvia Ruz | The Comission of the National System of Certification of Labour Competences - ChileValora | ChileValora measures and validates mainly work-based non-formal and informal learning and is targeted at people with no formal qualifications | |
6. Legal foundations | Yolande Fermon | The legal basis of VAE in France | VAE represents in France a means to access to qualifications just like education, apprenticeship or further education | |
6. Legal foundations | Ville Heinonen | Validation of prior learning | Financing system, Finland | |
6. Legal foundations | Nathalie Druine | Validation of non-formal and informal learning in Flanders (Belgium) | Concept for an integrated framework for VNIL (EVC, Erkennen van verworven competenties / recognition of acquired competences) | |
Track | Speaker | Title | Description | Download |