Results of Call for Papers announced!

The Research and Projects track is for emerging academic research as well as ongoing projects and programmes in the field of VPL. Following a Call for Papers, we are pleased to announce the successful abstracts, which complement the policy tracks and further widen our discussions on validation of prior learning. They are organised in four sessions: “Academic Research”, “Tools and Processes”, “Assessment and Certification”, and finally “Establishing and Improving VPL Systems”.

For more information please go to: www.vplbiennale.org/program/research-and-projects/

Spotlight on Track 6 – Legal Foundations

A clear legal framework, which finances, coordinates and oversees quality provision of VPL, is the bedrock of a sustainable VPL system. Below is a snapshot of two of the case studies, which will feature at the Biennale:
Legal foundations for validation of informal and non-formal learning in Flanders
Regulations for validation of non-formal and informal learning exist in Flanders (Belgium) in several sectors and policy domains but an integrated approach to the validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNIL) was still missing. For many years, attempts were made to reduce the fragmentation and to increase the societal impact of validation so as to increase the uptake of validation. In July 2015, the concept for an integrated framework for VNIL was approved by the Flemish government. This was the start of a long lasting regulatory process mainly driven by the Ministers of Education and Labour but with the involvement of many stakeholders. In this presentation, Dr. Nathalie Druine will focus on the content of the legislation as well as on the process of drafting it. She will also address the strengths and challenges of the new regulation
Legal foundations of the national RPL system in South Africa
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is integral to the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in South Africa; it is used to enhance access, redress, and progression in learning-and-work pathways within a culture of lifelong learning in the country. The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) in line with its mandate, developed an RPL policy in 2002, and Criteria and Guidelines in 2004. RPL was implemented from the 1990s. By 2008, there were 'islands of good practice' (OECD, 2008); in 2010 and 2011 SAQA hosted national RPL workshops to bridge these islands and work towards a fully national RPL system. Following the resulting 'Resolution and Working Document', SAQA's RPL policy was revised to provide for effective RPL delivery and quality assurance. A Ministerial RPL Task Team was established to address legal barriers; its work led to the establishment of the National RPL Coordinating Mechanism. Joe Samuels’ presentation covers the contents of the five aligned sets of RPL policies, what they enable, and some challenges experienced.
Click here for a preview of the conference speakers https://vplbiennale.org/presentations/
Heidi Bolton from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) gives an overview of her track ‘Legal Foundations’:

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wk95go9vUSo

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