The 4th Validation of Prior Learning Biennale will take place on May 19-20 2022 in Iceland with The Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC) as the host.

Validation is about making visible and giving value to all learning, irrespectively of where and when it was acquired. Validation plays a role in widening participation in learning, work, active citizenship and democratization. It is a tool that contributes to supporting individual transitions due to changes in the labour market, in society or in personal life – including effects on quality of life, climate change and warfare.

The 4th VPL Biennale focuses on how validation processes can become an integral part of policies and services to support lifelong learning. As a participant, you will be able to explore various validation processes and support measures and learn from the results achieved around the world.

At the conference you can hear the following keynotes, among others:
  • "The development of „Credentials as you go“
    Dr. Nan Travers and Dr. Alan Mandell, SUNY Empire State College, USA
  • CEDEFOP: More than 20 years working on validation, Jens Bjornavold and Ernesto Villalba
  • A users voice – Jón Gnarr, Icelandic actor, comedian and politician
  • ILO perspectives on VPL – Pedro Morena da Fonseca, ILO
  • Creating a culture of lifelong learning – Marie Macauley, UNESCO
  • Research: state of the art and launching of the Quality compass – Timo Halltunen, University of Turku and Ruud Duvekot, EC-VPL

Dr. Nan Travers on the future of VPL

"I see the future of VPL (Validating Prior Learning) being very integrated in the way that we credential what people know and can do.

My expectations for this conference is to be able to connect with other people, to learn how they are conducting VPL at this point, and their ideas about the future, as well as seeing how it integrates with incremental credentialing", says Dr. Nan Travers from SUNY Empire State College, USA.

Participate in Iceland or online

You can join the Biennale in person in Iceland or virtually.

The regular registration includes a full-day conference program with refreshments.

If you join with a virtual ticket, you will have access to the keynote presentations and panel discussions, and the possibility to take part in a discussion forum online.

Invitation for researchers – papers for publication

If you are researching VPL in a specific context, mode, systematic, persona or theoretical framework, we invite you to send in your paper (max. 15 pages) to the Biennale committee.

Any paper related to the topics of the 4th VPL Biennale is considered eligible for publication in the forthcoming 4th VPL Biennale book.

Please send your paper no later than May 18th 2022 to: rduvekot@gmail.com
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Education and Training Service Centre
Skipholti 50b
105 Reykjavík