How it started

The VPL Biennale is about Validation of Prior Learning-systematics for lifelong learning, working and living. It’s about sharing experiences, information, knowledge, ideas and visions on VPL as an essential part of lifelong learning. And it is about the creative process of recognising each other’s successes, problems and solutions in ‘the global VPL-community’.

Across the globe, countries face big challenges in their working and learning systems. Much research has been done (and is going on) on the added value of the learning outcomes approach in National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs), the effectiveness of Human Resources Management-systems (HRM) and the methods for Validation of Prior Learning (VPL). The initiative of the Global VPL Biennale is about the problem-solving potential of Validation of Prior Learning and is about sharing information, knowledge, ideas and visions on VPL and about the creative process of learning from each other’s successes, problems and solutions in ‘the VPL-world’.

The VPL-Biennale concept was designed by the Foundation EC-VPL for the project ALLinHE in 2012. Its focus was on social inclusion for all in Europe’s learning and working environments by developing VPL-approaches to link target groups to learning opportunities. The project allowed learners to use the learning outcomes of their prior learning, gained through different life-activities for activating future learning opportunities. This focus is still present in the VPL-Biennale concept.

The concept of the VPL-Biennale is based on the idea of two-yearly organising a manifestation and congress on proceedings and state of the art in VPL’s knowledge base, new instruments and methodologies, presentations of best practices, master classes and implementation-strategies for target groups.

2014 1st Rotterdam, the Netherlands The Power of VPL EC-VPL
2017 2nd Aarhus, Denmark The Learner in the Centre NVR
2019 3rd Berlin, Germany Making policy work Bertelsmann Stiftung