Invitation to 3rd Biennale 'Validation of Prior Learning', Berlin, 7 - 8 May 2019
Bertelsmann Stiftung is honoured to be hosting next year’s 3rd VPL Biennale. Speakers from around the globe including Iceland, South Africa, Mexico and South Korea will be presenting good practices on “Making policy work – Validation of Prior Learning for education and the labour market”.
Early bird registration for 195 € is open now until 31st of December 2018.
Together with policy makers, practitioners, researchers and other stakeholders involved in further developing and implementing the Validation of Prior Learning, we will draft and adopt the Berlin Declaration on Validation, setting the benchmark for validation systems worldwide. Invited presentations in four workshops for each of six policy tracks will lay the foundation for this declaration:
- Organisational arrangements
- Financing
- Procedures and instruments
- Support structures
- Post-validation pathways
- Legal foundations
As soon as the program is finalised registered participants will be asked to indicate their preferred workshops. The conference dinner will take place right in the heart of Berlin at Unter den Linden 1. It poses the perfect networking opportunity and also includes the awarding ceremony of the 3rd global VPL Prize in the three categories: products, procedures, and policies.
Martin Noack on behalf of the VPL-Biennale Committee
Heidi Bolton, South African Qualifications Authority – ‘SAQA’
Antra Carlsen, Nordic network for Adult Learning
Ruud Duvekot, EC-VPL, the Netherlands
Bodil Husted, NVR – VIA University College
Lieve van den Brande, European Commission, DG Employment, Social affairs and Inclusion
Raul Valdes Cotera, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Ernesto Villalba-Garcia, European Commission, CEDEFOP