Dialogical Validation in teacher training
Klaas Doorlag
A step forward from analytical assessment towards a holistic approach
When flexibilising learning, translating personal learning experiences - formally, non-formally or informally acquired - into recognizable learning outcomes is a critical success factor. This translation can be organized effectively in a dialogue between student and university-teacher through the validation of personal learning outcomes in a portfolio-steered process. Such dialogical validation is facilitated in the Netherlands at Utrecht University AS in teacher-training.
Dialogic validation is defined as learning-independent assessment of prior learning experiences and advise on further learning, aiming at realising a personalized learning trajectory. The learner and the ‘teacher’ act together – in dialogue – as co-designers of this process. It is a step forward from analytical assessment towards a holistic approach in which the learner is assessed as a complete and unique individual in her prior learning, working and living experiences.
The result of dialogic validation is a personalised learning process in terms of content, form and meaning for the learning outcomes that a student still needs to achieve!
Dialogic validation has been introduced in bachelor-programmes for teachers in basic education (groepsleerkracht) and in secondary education (zij-instroom). The results in 2018 were respectively 170 and 80 students accessing such a personalised, dialogical programme.
About Klaas Doorlag
CountryThe Netherlands
Utrecht University of Applied Sciences
Mr. Klaas Doorlag is program manager ‘educational innovation’ at the teacher training faculty of Utrecht University of Applied sciences in the Netherlands. Educational Innovation has been the core of his career. He has been a teacher in vocational education and led projects that all had innovation of education as a goal on micro- (classroom), meso- (school) and macro-level (regional cooperation of schools). vAs a consultant he advised schools in the Netherlands for about 10 years in redesigning their education from a subject-centered approach towards a student-centered learning. This included the redesign of testing and the recognition of informal learning outside the context of the school.
As program manager Klaas combines his work as a teacher trainer and team-coach with assisting schools in improving teacher performance using a technology-driven teacher-centered approach that is developed by his university. This improvement concerns formal training as much as professionalization of (experienced) teachers. Validation of prior learning is an important aspect of this approach and comes to full bloom in the concept of ‘dialogical validation’ which is integrated in the personalised learning strategy of the faculty.