Financing VPL in Iceland
Sveinn Adalsteinsson
The Education and training Service center (ETSC)
The Education and training Service center (ETSC) has since 2004 coordinated a national VPL system for people with little formal education in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture; the social partners and regional Lifelong learning centers. VPL developments are based on a tripartite agreement between the social partners (owners of the ETSC) and the ministry. So far 4,391 individuals have undergone VPL towards shortening of studies on Upper Secondary School level, against job standards and employability skills. Career guidance is embedded in the process. The process is free of charge for the individuals but financing of the system is provided by a public Educational Fund directed by a board from various stakeholders and administrated by the ETSC. Statistics have been gathered since 2006 and reveal that VPL highly benefits the target group towards continuing learning. Cost and benefits of the system will be briefly discussed.
About Sveinn Adalsteinsson
Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC)
Sveinn Adalsteinsson is Managing Director for the Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins (Education and Training Service Centre, ETSC) in Iceland (2016-current). He has been active in adult education for a long time, first as teacher and supervisor at college and university level, then a director for a horticultural college. He was managing director for Starfsafl Vocational Training Fund (2006-20016) which supports and develops workforce training programs. He has led and participated in several EU projects. His main interest is in company in-situ workforce training and benefits of training to company operational parameters f.ex. ROI.