
Call for Contributions: The deadline is July 1

In a special issue of PLAIO (Prior Learning Assessment Inside Out: An International Journal on Theory, Research and Practice in Prior Learning Assessment), we invite contributions from papers and presentations connected to the 4th VPL Biennale (19-20 May 2022).

The special PLAIO issue will include essays and materials exploring the four major themes of the conference:
  • Validation and the working life.
  • Validation and education/training.
  • Validation and social sustainability.
  • Validation and personal development.
We are interested in contributions that:

- explore the history of VPL (or RPL/PLA/RVA/etc.).
- critically examine VPL assessment tools.
- take up VPL in the academy, the workplace and in the community.
- help us understand the links between VPL, access and social justice.
- propose approaches/innovations that advance VPL policies and practices worldwide.

To submit your contribution, please use this Survey Monkey link to submit an abstract of 250 words with the title of your proposed contribution by July 1 2022.

Full submissions are expected by 15 August 2022.

Meet the VPL prize winners

Congratulations to the winners of the Global VPL prize!

During the 4th VPL Biennale, the winners of the Global VPL prize were awarded. The winners are four and you can read short presentations of their VPL activities here.

And the winners are:
  • Specialized office clerk in the public sector, Guðfinna Harðardóttir, Fræðslusetrið Starfsmennt/The Educational Training Centre for Public Employees
  • Technology-enhanced learning, assessment, development and academic strategies for RPL student success, Rekha Rambharose, University of Western Cape
  • AI-based solution empowers people to capture their skills, Ulrich Scharf, SkillLab
  • Recognition of foreign qualifications in Austria – AST-Counselling/Contact Points for people who gained professional qualifications abroad, Aleksandra Panek, Counselling Centre for Migrants in Vienna- Coordination of Contact Points for people who gained professional qualifications abroad (AST)

Keynotes and materials from the 4th Biennale

You can now find recordings of all keynotes and materials from the workshops from the 4th VPL Biennale on the conference's webpage.

You can find recordings of the following keynotes among others:

The status of validation in Europe today: Interview with Jens Bjornavåld

Jens Bjornavold, an expert from CEDEFOP, has more than 20 years of working experience with validation processes. We asked Jens to share his thoughts on the status of validation in Europe:

"The positive sides are that we have, during the last three decades, built a foundation for validation. This foundation consists of different elements. First of all, there is a growing acknowledgement that all forms of learning (learning in the classroom but also outside of the classroom, gained from work and free-time activities) are of high value.

The second one is that there is a growing understanding of what the concept of validation is about.

Third, most European countries have developed strategies, legal frameworks and skill strategies where validation plays an integrated and clearly defined role."
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