Reaching All Children with Education (RACE)

7 May 16:00 - 17:15
Reaching All Children with Education (RACE) Sonia Khoury

Reaching All Children with Education (RACE)

Sonia Khoury

Sonia El Khoury is at present the Manager of the Program Management Unit (PMU) for the R.A.C.E program (Reaching all children with Education).

Download Reaching All Children with Education (RACE) (pdf)

She contributed to the establishment of the aforementioned program, after the Syrian crisis and the flow of the Syrian school aged children to Lebanon, aiming at promoting the right of every child in Lebanon to free education. Furthermore, she is Head of the Directorate of Cultural Affairs and Fine Arts at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education since 2015, and the Coordinator of Education in Emergency Committee since 2009.

About Sonia Khoury

Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE)

Mrs. El Khoury was Chief of Secondary Education Department at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (2000-2015) and Director of DOPS (Counseling and Guidance Department) (2012-2015).

Mrs. El Khoury is of Lebanese origins, she graduated from the Lebanese University Faculty of Law & Political Sciences with a Degree in Law. Moreover, Mrs. El Khoury holds an Administration Certificate from the ENA (École Nationale D'administration), and CAPES (Certificat D'aptitude Pédagogique a L'enseignement Secondaires) from the faculty of Education at the Lebanese University.