- Downloads keynotes 2019 – Berlin
Name Title Download Dr. Jörg Dräger, Member of the Executive Board of Bertelsmann Stiftung
Welcome address PDF Borhene Chakroun, Director of the Division for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems, UNESCO
Validation outside of Europe PDF Manuela Geleng, Director for Skills, DG Employment, European Commission
Mara Brugia, Acting Director of CedefopValidation in Europe: state of play PDF Name Title Download
- Downloads invited presentations 2019 – Berlin
Track Speaker Title Description Download 1. Organisational arrangements Deirdre Goggin Building sustainability through organisational arrangements How can bridges be built between stakeholders from the worlds of business, volunteering and education in order for VPL results to have value?
PDF 1. Organisational arrangements Erik Kaemingk The benefits of Peer Review for quality development in validation A plea for a transnational network of providers
PDF 1. Organisational arrangements Lotta Pakanen Filled with skills Enhancing the validation of prior learning by NGOs
PDF 1. Organisational arrangements Tormod Skjerve A Balancing Act Skills development in the working life
PDF 1. Organisational arrangements Christine Wihak Implementing across Jurisdictions: The case of Internationally Educated Nurses in Canada This presentation will examine how consistency in Validation across jurisdictions can be achieved through non-legislated means.
PDF 2. Financing Sveinn Adalsteinsson Financing VPL in Iceland The Education and training Service center (ETSC)
PDF 2. Financing An De Coen How to calculate the costs of VPL? Case study by the Flemish government
PDF 2. Financing Yolande Fermon Financing of Validation The VAE procedure
PDF 2. Financing Sunok Jo Financing VPL in Republic of Korea VPL has helped increase of learning opportunities for adult learners - in particular the disadvantaged - and produced social benefits
n/a 2. Financing Patrick Leushuis Effects of validation for individuals and organizations In this presentation the research and its results will be discusses, in the context of the Dutch system for validation
PDF 3. Procedures and instruments Pär Sellberg Quality is an issue in arranging and performing VPL Can a quality model enhance performance of VPL and is benchmark of national VPL arrangements possible?
PDF 3. Procedures and instruments Michael Van der Cammen Competency testing through MYSKILLS Identify informally or non-formally acquired competencies through technology-based testing
PDF 3. Procedures and instruments Ulrich Scharf Mapping Pathways to Employment Introduction of Skilllab
PDF 3. Procedures and instruments Ramona Lopez Labour market integration of migrants Tools to help refugees and other migrants with their occupational integration
PDF 3. Procedures and instruments Per Andersson Quality is an issue in arranging and performing VPL Can a quality model enhance performance of VPL and is benchmark of national VPL arrangements possible?
PDF 3. Procedures and instruments Göran Hellmalm Validation concept for the Swedish Adult Education Association Introduction of the Validation Concept
PDF 3. Procedures and instruments Helge Wilters Labour market integration of migrants Tools to help refugees and other migrants with their occupational integration
PDF 3. Procedures and instruments Mona Pielorz Comparing the French and German Validation systems Comparing the French and German Validation systems
PDF 3. Procedures and instruments Patrick Werquin Comparing the French and German Validation systems Comparing the French and German Validation systems
PDF 4. Support structures Mariya Dzhengozova Coordination of validation and guidance. In this session participants will hear of preliminary results of a Cedefop study.
PDF 4. Support structures Deli Salini An integrated approach to VPL advice Support and advice for applicants for validation of prior learning (VPL) procedures in Switzerland
PDF 4. Support structures Ludovic Collin Holistic approach to career counselling Presenting the concept “Cité des métiers” and explaining how it remains an innovative tool 25 years after its creation
PDF 4. Support structures Sonia Khoury Reaching All Children with Education (RACE) Sonia El Khoury is at present the Manager of the Program Management Unit (PMU) for the R.A.C.E program (Reaching all children with Education).
PDF 5. Post-validation pathways Karen Deller Putting the candidate at the centre with an online RPL portal Objective: to present the benefits of an online portal and its role in enabling both RPL itself as well as progression post-RPL.
PDF 5. Post-validation pathways Marloes Smit An E-portfolio for Life Long Learning During the VPL Biennale we want to share our experiences with our self-developed e-portfolio system, DITKANIK.NU (Lit.: I Can Do This . Now).
PDF 5. Post-validation pathways James Rickabaugh The future demands lifelong learning Developing capable, independent adult learners for success in work and life
PDF 5. Post-validation pathways Klaas Doorlag Dialogical Validation in teacher training A step forward from analytical assessment towards a holistic approach
PDF 6. Legal foundations John Dalsgard The VPL legal foundation in the Faroe Islands – how to establish a national VPL system Preparation and implementation of a legal system for Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) in the Faroe Islands
PDF 6. Legal foundations Joe Samuels Legal foundations to provide for the national RPL system in South Africa Objective: to consider briefly, the legal foundations that provide for the national Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) system in South Africa
PDF 6. Legal foundations Eduardo R. Ali Validation of Prior Learning in Trinidad and Tobago Regional and National Legislative and Policy Considerations
PDF 6. Legal foundations Silvia Ruz The Comission of the National System of Certification of Labour Competences - ChileValora ChileValora measures and validates mainly work-based non-formal and informal learning and is targeted at people with no formal qualifications
PDF 6. Legal foundations Yolande Fermon The legal basis of VAE in France VAE represents in France a means to access to qualifications just like education, apprenticeship or further education
PDF 6. Legal foundations Ville Heinonen Validation of prior learning Financing system, Finland
PDF 6. Legal foundations Nathalie Druine Validation of non-formal and informal learning in Flanders (Belgium) Concept for an integrated framework for VNIL (EVC, Erkennen van verworven competenties / recognition of acquired competences)
PDF Track Speaker Title Description Download